In a Slack thread at work, we started sharing newsletter recommendations. These are mine.
- My most regular read is Casey Newton's Platformer. It's a paid newsletter, but in my book, it's worth every penny!
- Web veteran Anil Dash
- Tech journalist/investor/advisor Om Malik
- Security expert Bruce Schneier, who also ponders a lot on the intersection of technology and democracy
- AI professor Ethan Mollick, with a strong focus on practical applications
- AI professor Arvind Narayanan, who primarily examines AI's role at a systemic level
- The brilliant digitalization researcher danah boyd
- Molly White, who's a bit harder to pigeonhole and perhaps the most eclectic on this list. She covers a lot about cryptocurrency and other topics I'm not particularly interested in, but occasionally produces content I absolutely don't want to miss.
As a side note: Although all these newsletters can be delivered to your inbox via email, that's not how I read them. Thank goodness they're all available as subscriptions in RSS readers too.